The Just Quit Smoking Lung Detox


Smokers inhale over 4,000 different toxins and chemicals into their lungs every time they take a puff on a cigarette. Over the days, months and years of a smoking habit, these toxins do serious damage, some of which can be fatally irreparable. Thus, all smokers need to make it a priority to quit smoking.  Of course that is much easier said than done. However, one way to entice smokers into giving up their tobacco habit is by showing them how much better they will feel once they put cigarettes out for good. One way to do this is by talking about the “just quit smoking lung detox.”

The just quit smoking lung detox is not a trademarked term; in essence, it is any approach to post-smoking lung detoxification. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Breathing Exercises: Breathing capacities are damaged by cigarettes, so the ex-smoker has to re-train his or her lungs. This can be done by engaging in simple breathing exercises, such as breathing in deeply through the nose and out through the mouth in 2-3 reps of 10, several times a day.
  • Cardio Exercise: Smoking causes a build-up of excess phlegm in the lungs. Cardio exercise will help the lungs breathe easier and eventually loosen and discharge this gunk.  However, it is important to start slowly with cardio—it may take a long time for the lungs to feel comfortable running and doing aerobics again.
  • Drink Water: Proper hydration is one of the best ways to get poisons out of the body. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day during a just quit smoking lung detox.
  • Cleansing Herbs and Foods: Nature provides an abundance of herbs and foods that naturally detoxify the body. Ginger, Thyme, Mullein, and Garlic are just a few of the many herbs and spices that clean up the lungs. A good lung detox food to eat is pineapple; it contains a natural lung cleanser, Bromelin, which helps increase lung elasticity.

Following the steps above will lead to healthier lungs after smoking cessation. Heathier lungs mean less chances of catching infections and respiratory illnesses that bog people down—especially during flu season.  Take advantage of the just quit smoking lung detox and breathe easier.

If you or someone you care about are stuck in the muck of a tobacco habit there are people who can help empower you to make the choice to quit smoking. To learn more about strengthening your willpower for weight loss purposes, contact us today.
