Will I be Tempted to Smoke?

Have you ever broken a habit and occasionally thought about that habit? For example you may have made the decision to stop watching TV every night and as you walk into the study or go outside to play, you have a memory of that action.

Is Smoking Really a Habit?

There was a man who was a gym junky and over did it with extreme exercise and high protein rather than a balanced diet and moderate exercise. He did end up in hospital to recover.  He said he knew he had overdone it however occasionally he recalled his experience and while he was back at the gym he was more careful and eating a balanced diet.  So the answer is yes, you MAY have a thought about the habit you once had.  However rarely do people actually restart the habit if they really don’t feel the need again.  This includes people who have become non smokers.  A  non smoker would not pick up a cigarette or light one or even start again as they recall their goal in wanting to be a non smoker.

A successful non smoker at last

Now a Non Smoker

Happy non smoker after hypnosis!

After 50 years as a smoker, Ted Gray can now call himself a non smoker. Ted had many supporters encoraging him to see Maureen Hamilton for Hypnosis and eventually he did. He has never looked back.  However he did say, ”There was a time when I was tempted to have one. However I recognised I didn’t really want it, it was just a thought. So I told myself very sternly I am a non smoker and the thought went away.” He also mentioned that being around other smokers didn’t make him feel like a cigarette.  He is now saving himself $150 a week or $7,800 a year, enjoying his golf and looking at healthy options to spend his money.

Do you feel like a Leper when you smoke?

There are many people still smoking even though the pressure is on to quit.  Smoking is becoming more anti-social with limited areas in which to smoke. As people often say they feel like lepers when they are seen smoking.  Then there is the price which has gone up. People often associate smoking as an addiction so in people’s  mind, there is the perception that it will be so hard to quit.  However as Ms Hamilton says, with hypnosis, it is one easy session and people are non smokers at the end of their session providing they do want to quit. So if this is you, a friend or a loved one then share this information with them so they know there is an option for them to quit.

Maureen Hamilton is a Hypnotherapist, assisting people to overcome emotional and habitual issues including smoking, weight challenges, anxiety, depression. People have the power to quit—they just need to make the decision to do it. And when they do, they can contact Maureen on 1300 619 684 or check out this website. You can also send Maureen a message on the Contact form.
