Six Tips to Quit Smoking

Despite how aware we are of the health hazards associated with smoking, millions of people across the globe still light up each day. That does not mean, however, that

Become a non smoker today

You can quit – make the decision-become a non smoker

millions of people want to keep smoking. There are many people who do want to quit.

Is Smoking an Addiction or a Habit

Smoking is often quoted as being an addiction. However it is also a really powerful habit. Have you ever found you have a cigarette in your hand and thought, “That’s odd, I really didn’t want this one!” So the question is often asked, how many cigarettes a day do you really enjoy?

Plan, plan, plan

Make a quit smoking plan. This may include setting goals and deadlines or enlisting the help of a hypnotherapist, find a way to approach smoking cessation with structure and support.

Make a full commitment

Quitting smoking requires a full commitment especially because breaking down old habits and building up new ones requires that you really focus all of your energy-no slacking!

Find a source of motivation

What is it that motivates you to quit smoking? Your life-health, your family, work, finances? Whatever the reason or reasons, know it as it will help you keep your eye on the prize. Sometimes it really helps if you right them down and look at them each day to remind you.

Find a quit smoking buddy

It is often easier to hold ourselves accountable when we are accountable to someone beyond ourselves. Find someone who will support you or find someone you can share the smoking cessation process.

Start Now on Your journey to be a non-smoker

Book  your appointment today and make that commitment to be free from the smoking habit.  You can also call 1300 619 684 (It will be answered with Master Your Life Power, Life Coach to Quit Smoking)

Cigarettes contain sugar and lots of it

So once you become a non smoker, you need to replace this sugar for approximately 4-5 days. It is a good idea to consider a healthy option such as fruit. So you may think of berries, apple, grapes where you can have just a little each time. This will depend on the number of cigarettes you smoke.  Then you can slowly wean yourself back to what you would normally eat in a day.  This is one of the reasons why people put on weight when they stop smoking.  Their blood sugar drops and they eat, and frequently it is the wrong food, rewarding themselves for being non smokers!

The other more upsetting side effect of this is getting grumpy.  On her third day after her session, Paula phoned to say she didn’t feel or even want a cigarette, but was getting grumpy! Paula was asked how she was going with the fruit. Apparently Paula had eaten lots the first day but stopped.  So Paula went back to eating some fruit and when followed up a week later said it was the sugar and she was fine.

Quitting smoking is an important step to finding a healthy balance in life and living out your days to the fullest. It can be difficult or it can be easy.  If you are thinking about giving up cigarettes then take the easy road.  Maureen Hamilton has assisted over a thousand people to quit smoking and even offers a Lifetime Guarantee.  Maureen can be contacted on 1300 619 684. Alternatively you can also book online 

Are you willing to let smoking cigarettes continue to control YOUR LIFE? 

If  not – Book  your appointment today and make that commitment to be free from the smoking habit.  You can also call 1300 619 684 (It will be answered with Master Your Life Power, Life Coach to Quit Smoking)

You will know for yourself that at the end of the session, you are nownon-smoker.

You will be satisfied and happy that you have now done what so many people only wish to do.
