Yes, smoking can damage the heart. The heart is the organ that supplies blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. It is about the size of a clenched fist, weighs about 10.5 ounces and is shaped like a cone. The heart is the most important muscle in the body. Circulation of blood also picks up waste products like poisons from cigarette smoke and carries them to different parts of the body. So cigarette smoking can cause serious damage to the heart.
What is Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a disease which produces is a build-up of plaque inside our arteries. Plaque is composed of fatty deposits, cholesterol, calcium and other substances. These substances will, over time, cause the arteries to become narrower. This therefore lessen the flow of blood to the brain, heart and other areas of the body.
Heart attacks, strokes, heart diseases and most other cardiovascular diseases are primarily caused by atherosclerosis. The toxins and poisons coming from the cigarette smoke when entering the blood stream greatly contribute to developing atherosclerosis. This is accelerated by the build up of the plaque inside the arteries. Smoking can also cause raised cholesterol.
Heart attack
People who have atherosclerosis can suffer a heart attack as a blockage in the main artery may cause restricted blood flow to the heart. This causes pain and the person will have a heart attack. The main reason is because the blood and the oxygen it carries cannot pass through the main artery or the vessels supplying blood to the heart. This causes damage to the heart muscle and the heart or that area that is depleted of much needed blood flow may subsequently dies as a result.
Angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when a person has insufficient blood and oxygen supplying the heart or an area of the heart muscle. It can be caused by physical exertion but it can also be due to smoking. Angina usually does not cause death whereas a heart attack may result in death.
Smoking cigarettes puts people at a higher risk of suffering a stroke or cerebrovascular accident(CVA). A stroke occurs when there is a lack of blood and oxygen reaching a part of the brain causing brain cells to die. Lack of oxygen to the brain is often caused by atherosclerosis in the artery that leads to the brain, which restricts the blood flow and therefore the amount of oxygen that is carried with it. As the blood flow is restricted due to the fatty deposit build up, which narrows the arteries, a blood clot may form and a stroke will result as the tissues around the brain are starved of oxygen.
The effects and benefits of giving up smoking on the cardiovascular system are often immediate and greatly reduce the risk of suffering any of these diseases. Once a smoker stops smoking atherosclerosis is slowed down, the blood is less likely to clot and oxygen and blood can pass through the arteries more freely and more easily, which relieves stress on the heart and lessens the damage on the heart. Cholesterol levels are also reduced, which will slow the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries.
Perhaps you are a Smoker
Hypnosis can help you quit smoking in only 60 minutes. Just as healthy habits can be developed, you can also get rid of your smoking habit, under the guidance of a Hypnotherapist.
Maureen Hamilton- Hypnotherapist
Maureen Hamilton is a Hypnotherapist and a Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes Specialist. Maureen is a specialist who uses the most effective process to help people quit smoking in just 60 minutes with an outstanding success rate of 97.5% using a proven and successful technique which has worked for thousands of clients. Maureen can help you and take you from being a smoker to a non-smoker in just one session and offering a Lifetime Guarantee. You can also book online giving you the choice of date and time.
Or call Maureen on 1300 619 684 or have a look at those people who have quit smoking and loving their new life.