Champix as a Quit Smoking Method

Millions of smokers around the world are looking for a way to put out the last cigarette for good. Unfortunately, when it comes to smoking cessation, there seem to be as many strategies for quitting smoking as there are smokers. So how does a smoker know what to do?...

Are You Infertile Because You Smoke?

Infertility is not an issue that only women worry about; men can also contribute to a couple’s inability to conceive a baby. Many people, smokers and non smokers alike, do not realize that smoking cigarettes impairs fertility in both men and women. If you are a smoker...

The Truth About Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Study confirms nicotine replacement therapies are not effective—what a shock! A recent study conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts Boston confirmed what many people fighting on the front lines of the smoking...

History of Smoking

Smoking is an ancient practice and it has been around nearly as long as humans themselves. Various cultures have smoked various plants around the world, but the use of tobacco for smoking can be traced back to South America as early as 3000-5000 BC. With such a long...