Impact of Smoking on Breathing

Most people really enjoy a cigarette after a meal.  Why? Deep breathing can greatly assist in calming down your body and mind. It’s re-energizing and soothing, but did you know that it also aids in digestion? So why is Deep Breathing Important When Quitting? A person...

Why is second hand smoking so bad?

It is common knowledge that smoking is one of the most deadly activities that you can engage in; indeed, every time you inhale a cigarette you bring over 4,000 chemicals and toxins into your body. It is also well known that secondhand smoke is just as dangerous as...

What Is the Mind?

What is the mind? This many seem like an easy question, but, in fact, you may be at a loss for words when asked to define what the mind actually is. But this shouldn’t worry you too much-some of the greatest thinkers in history-from Plato to Kant to Sartre- have...

Rationalization: The Smoking Blame Game

Smokers tend to have many excuses for why they started smoking and why they can’t stop. One of the most common ways that smokers deflect their role in their own smoking habit is by blaming it on others. You have probably heard a smoker say at one point or another that...