What Quit Smoking Aid is Best

Many smokers end up relapsing after quitting. Some choose to quit cold turkey, but for others, this method is strenuous on the body and mind, creating an overwhelming feeling of stress, which can lead to smoking yet again. For many smokers, quitting is a vicious cycle...

5 Reasons Smoking Wrinkles Your Skin

Most info relayed about the hazards of smoking centers on the internal effects of the bad habit: cancer, heart disease, emphysema, indigestion etc. But smoking also affects the external body, the skin in particular. Thus, a good reason to quit smoking is to keep the...

COPD and Emphysema: What’s the Difference?

COPD and emphysema are both nasty lung disorders whose damaging effects on the body reinforce the necessity of quitting smoking as soon as possible. But COPD and emphysema are not the same disease, despite the fact that many mistakenly believe that the two are one in...

Smoking and the Health Care System: The Cost of Cigarettes

You know about the cost of smoking in terms of longevity—smokers live shorter, sicker lives. But did you know that smoking costs health care systems across the globe billions of dollars every year? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention smoking ...