Is it Difficult to Quit Smoking?

This habit was commonly commenced during teenage years – a bit of fun or peer pressure. However after a short or even a long while people really want to quit, especially in today’s society where it is such an anti-social behavior. How difficult is it to...

4 Tips to Becoming a Successful Non Smoker

Becoming a non smoker can be a challenge – but it doesn’t need to be.  There is so much information available these days to help people to give up smoking, safely and without discomfort. Here are 4 rally important ways in which you can help yourself...

Impact of Smoking on Breathing

Most people really enjoy a cigarette after a meal.  Why? Deep breathing can greatly assist in calming down your body and mind. It’s re-energizing and soothing, but did you know that it also aids in digestion? So why is Deep Breathing Important When Quitting? A person...