Is There a Cure for Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in humans, and it affects millions of people across the globe every year. This cancer is caused by over-exposure to the sun, radiation, carcinogens, and aging. Types of Skin Cancer There are three types: basal cell...

5 Ways to Quit Smoking

Making the decision to quit smoking is the first and most important step in quitting smoking. Some people can go cold turkey and not feel too many side effects.  This is often due to the fact they have made the conscious decision to stop smoking. However, most people...

Pot Fries Your Brain: Stay Away From Marijuana

Quitting smoking doesn’t just mean quitting cigarettes. If you smoke marijuana, then it is just as important for you to kick your smoking habit. Why do People Still Smoke Pot after Quitting Cigarettes Because marijuana is not physically as harmful as tobacco smoke,...

Will Quit Smoking Improve My Skin

The health risks of smoking are seemingly endless: Heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, cancers of vital organs, and many others. Add skin improvement to the pages-long list of reasons to quit smoking. From wrinkles to poor complexion to bags under your eyes, smoking...

Does Smoking Cause Indigestion?

Many of the negative side effects of smoking are well-known:  quit smoking campaigns have made the dangers of cancer, emphysema and heart disease crystal clear to consumers. However, smoking can lead to a great many other health complications, including indigestion....