Is it Difficult to Quit Smoking?

This habit was commonly commenced during teenage years – a bit of fun or peer pressure. However after a short or even a long while people really want to quit, especially in today’s society where it is such an anti-social behavior. How difficult is it to...

4 Tips to Becoming a Successful Non Smoker

Becoming a non smoker can be a challenge – but it doesn’t need to be.  There is so much information available these days to help people to give up smoking, safely and without discomfort. Here are 4 rally important ways in which you can help yourself...

WANT to Quit Smoking

Quitting can be a challenge however when it comes to a couple it can be even more challenging. There may be a greater WANT for one and not so great for another. Even after they have quit, one may put pressure on the other, either good or not so good. Can people be...

Will I be Tempted to Smoke?

Have you ever broken a habit and occasionally thought about that habit? For example you may have made the decision to stop watching TV every night and as you walk into the study or go outside to play, you have a memory of that action. Is Smoking Really a Habit? There...