Smoking and the Health Care System: The Cost of Cigarettes

You know about the cost of smoking in terms of longevity—smokers live shorter, sicker lives. But did you know that smoking costs health care systems across the globe billions of dollars every year? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention smoking ...

Smoking: Why Is It So Hard to Quit?

It is common knowledge that quitting smoking is hard—but it isn’t necessarily common knowledge that it doesn’t have to be. Quit Smoking Cold Turkey Quitting smoking is hard if you go about it the hard way. Trying to quit smoking cold turkey? That’s the hard way. Using...

Does Smoking Impact Your Pet?

Smoking is a fatal habit that not only puts your life in jeopardy, but the lives of others around you as well. You have probably heard of the term second-hand smoke and are likely aware that it negatively affects people, but did you know that it can also affect your...